Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

how to custom domain in blogger

In this post I will discuss how to change or a custom domain on blogger, but in this post Ialso references of his blog posts earlier kang Rohman anyone know what a domain name? short domain that is a link or last name of your blog as a link. com. net. organd others continue also a domain required for its blog that contains the e-Shop at therecommended to buy the domain itself as most of the visitors who want to buy a certainview of the blogger default domain and therefore we must have own domain, and howdomain settings in blogger? his answer in this article.
Further down is the writing kang Rohman all, before a special thank you to the kang Rohman
Well, for those of you who want more success in doing business online should be from early on can avoid a sense of doubt of his readers.

High Confidence LevelIt is still closely connected with the above written. Blog with your own domain name will further gain trust than with a blog that still use the sub domain blogspot. Especially if you used to play in the business of selling links or paid review, top level domains will be easier to get a job than a sub domain page rank bloggers despite having the same. It is not absolute, but is one of the factors that support the sale of business success playing links.

Hosting Free From Blogger

One of the obstacles that feel heavy for a blog that already has a number of visits that many are hosting, the more visitors, the hosting fee that must be paid even greater. With Custom domain diblogger you do not have to worry about hosting fees because bloggers give it for free.Please note that if you change the sub domain blogger with the domain you have, you keep in touch with the bloggers, everything will remain as before. Blog engine that you use keep using blogger engine, to set you still have to log into blogger, etc..

Relatively SaferStill remember with Kang Rohman posted on blogs by bloggers removal cases. If at any time upon your case, do not be too worried and it's not the end of everything, to remember is always make backups of your blog data regularly. The next step is to create a new blog in blogger, then upload the backup data that has been held and a new blog will be posting the exact same content as the blog is deleted, and you just directing the blog with your domain before. All will return to normal, you will not lose your loyal visitors due to its domain name remains the same.

Another step is to eliminate the dependence of the bloggers with a way to buy your own hosting, then use the machine to other blogs that you like and stay in the migration away from blogger to your new blog engine.

Above are some advantages of a custom domain on blogger, of course, there are many more benefits that others, but for a little limiting for this post not too long then that's all written.

However, Kang Rohman suggests that the custom of this domain to a new blog only and not for long, why? to a custom domain, your blog will become a new blog again. things like the number of subscriber, backlinks, Page Rank and so forth will be an all-new.However, if you do not make an issue tersebut.tentu no problem.

What is required to perform a custom domain? all you need is a domain name and DNS services. For some domain sellers, service control is provided free of charge so that you do not need to spend additional costs or using third party DNS service free so that you're not too busy.

How much for a domain? domain prices vary widely depending on your foresight in choosing a domain provider, but as an illustration only that the domain price ranges from Rp.70.000 up to 100,000 for the contract period for one year, or in other words with a capital of about 70rb until you will have a blog 100rb more professional in one year, and of course you can extend to next year.

You need to remember that you can buy a domain anywhere, but for easy writing this tutorial, for example Kang Rohman from home using a web domain.

To shorten this post a bit, then follows the ways a custom domain:

 *If you already have a domain, please log into the control panel of your domain, of course, with the username and password have been given.

 *Highlight the Domains menu and then select List All Orders.
list all orders
 *Click on the domain you want custom settings for the domain.
 *Click the tab DNS control menu, then click the Active control DNS
 *Click the Auto-update nameservers
update nameservers
 *there will be a statement that the new nameserver can be active within 24-72 hours.

Nameserver Modifications completed successfully. You will need to allow a 24-72 hour propagation time for the DNS service to begin working.
 *Still in the tab control menu, click Manage DNS button, a new page will appear, thenclick the tab CNAME Records menu, then click the Add CNAME Record
cname records
 *Fill in Host Name with www, then fill with Value, for TTL leave it alone.Finish by clicking the Add button Record.
add cname records
*Once the process is complete, click the tab A Records. then click the Add A Record.
add a record
 *Do the Add an A record 3 times again, but enter the IP address that is the number216.239.34.21,, So that later we would have 4 recordsgenerated
*Step addition of IP on top of your blog is not intended to be experiencing an error whenaccessed without www.

 *To set the CNAME on the domain has been completed, the next step is setting on your blog in blogger.

Here's how the settings of your blog in blogger

  • Please login to blogger with your ID
  • Click Settings for the want on a custom domain
  • Click the Publish tab
  • Click Domain Ubahsesuaian

  • Click Switch to advanced settings

  • Fill Your Domain with the domain name had its DNS gives a chance, do not forget toinclude the www in front. format is www.domainanda. Example out the verification of existing words and end with the click SAVE SETTINGS.

  • completed
  • Finally,Say Allhamdulillah...
The process of domain Custom bloggers have been completed, but it usually takes timefor your blog can be accessed using the new domain. This process usually takes no more than 24 hours, but many have only two or three hours have been completed, andyour blog can be accessed with your domain.

How? Still have questions? If you want to ask please comment below insya allah I answered yes and remember this article references of his blog kang Rohman.


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